Small Drawing Show

In gathering material for I find some of my own work doesn't fit into any particular category except
an ubiquitous one that I could call "Drawing". But what is a drawing? What medium is drawing? Although I have lots
of pencil and ink drawings of figure studies or studies for paintings and so forth that fit a more classical definition of
drawing, I did not include any of these-I'll save them for a future show all their own. Paul Klee- - made a few interesting comments about drawings. He said that a line is a dot going for a walk, and
also that a drawing is taking a line for a walk. I like those ideas. I also like the simplicity of making a drawing, with
a pencil, a pen(my favorite), a little pigment on a brush, or whatever is at hand. I began assembling the show back in October,
with those drawings that were like taking a line for a walk, like the drawing above. I weeded out all of the objective, subject
based drawings except for these two of conch shells below. Then I took a turn toward a more abstract vein with Firebird,
also shown below. This was drawn at the performance of Stravinsky's Firebird by the Rochester City Ballet- -in 2009. I drew it during the scene where Prince Ivan is watching the Firebird dance before he chases and catches

hope you will take a little time to really look at these, meditate on them and enjoy the hypnotic movement of the line. Enjoy
where it is going and what it is saying. It's like a song.

a certain point in collecting drawings for the show I began developing the drawings further. I started adding watercolor and
other media to the drawings and realising one of the main purposes of this web site-that is to use it as a
studio tool in developing and refining different aspects of my work. For example, the squiggly little drawing at
the top of the page became this, below.

Above, Parade, 2009, pen, ink, and watercolor on paper, 2.5" x 8.5"
Left, Dancer,
2009, pen and ink, 1.5" x 2.5", Center, Vox Machina,
2010, pen, ink, watercolor, 4" x 4.5",Right, Ernie, 2010,
gouache, ink, marker, 3" x 5"